Action Script/Software Deployment on 2019 Servers

Is there something different between 2019 & 2016 when it comes pushing a PS script and then preforming an install that is setup in BF? I have a “Baseline” that combines the two. On a 2016 server it works not problem but when it is pushed to a 2019 server, the push of the powershell script and executing the script works fine but the install of the software fails with the following error:

_Command failed (Action ended while waiting for another process to complete) wait “{pathname of system folder & “\msiexec.exe”}” /qn /norestart /i "{(pathname of client folder of current site) & "_Download\puppet-agent-x64.msi"}" (group:398828,action:398830)

My Powershell: works on either server version:

prefetch 6e74728c547aee5f17d41a3dfdc513de6e64cb62 sha1:6e74728c547aee5f17d41a3dfdc513de6e64cb62 size:653 http://BDOWSPBGFX:52311/Uploads/6e74728c547aee5f17d41a3dfdc513de6e64cb62/nodeclasspup.ps1.tmp sha256:1bdd6a8025b369e3594dee9671f3ecf18416df3daa00c114caa479206cecb6b7
extract 6e74728c547aee5f17d41a3dfdc513de6e64cb62
action uses wow64 redirection false

//Deletes powershell script
delete “c:\utility\scripts\nodeclasspup.ps1”

//copy powershell script
_copy "_Download\nodeclasspup.ps1" “c:\utility\scripts\nodeclasspup.ps1”

//executes powershell
waithidden cmd.exe /c powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -file “c:\utility\scripts\nodeclasspup.ps1”

The software install works within the baseline on a 2016 server but not the 2019 server.

_prefetch e24b42b415f0ae47a5e0783f862022bf0d62b0d1 sha1:e24b42b415f0ae47a5e0783f862022bf0d62b0d1 size:39318050 http://BDOWSPBGFX:52311/Uploads/e24b42b415f0ae47a5e0783f862022bf0d62b0d1/puppet-agent-x64.msi.tmp sha256:04daf7afe631e39b64a21da46660d6ec5d15d6b6be85bea1486d8a8dc0efc843
extract e24b42b415f0ae47a5e0783f862022bf0d62b0d1
wait “{pathname of system folder & “\msiexec.exe”}” /qn /norestart /i "{(pathname of client folder of current site) & "_Download\puppet-agent-x64.msi"}"

Is there a specific wait command that I should be using so it does not time out?

Does the MSI throw any errors or exhibit any odd behavior if you run it manually? what does the PowerShell script do?

The PowerShell script will check to see if the server is “Production, Development, Test or Staging” then will check if a folder exists. If it exists it will delete the folder SSL and then place two configuration files in the parent folder which will be used by the installation to create the SSL files needed for Puppet.

If I push just the install package it installs just fine. It is when I combine the two fixlets together that it will bomb out on a 2019 server, and 2016 works with no problem.