Action script exit code=1

what’s the mean exit code=1?
Status Completed
Start Time 3/14/2019 9:12:10 AM
End Time 3/14/2019 9:12:10 AM
Exit Code 1

wait nohup sh /aldm/ move /aldm -auto -n 15 7 &

manually execute the command was normal, but bigfix report exit code=1.

That’s the error code returned by the execution of the script. 1 means some kind of failure.

Straight after you run the script manually, could you please provide the output of the command:

echo $?

The exit code of 1 may be the “normal” return value. For example when running rpm it indicates the number of packages installed so this depends on the executed binary.

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If the status failed with 1,Then what could be the reason

Exit code 1 is typically the default exit code from the OS that says FAILED

Unless you declare exit codes in your action script then it will be 0, 1 or whatever the OS / Application returns