Action parameter query default value

I created a fixlet for remote changing of account’s password on a server we can’t access because we don’t know the password. I used “action parameter query” command to ask for the password before running the action. Problem is, that whenever I click on “Take action”, I see the password I used with the fixlet the last time, which is obviously a huge security issue. I tried to set default value for the parameter to empty string, to space, to the word “password”, but I always get the password last used.

action parameter query “password” with description “Enter password you want to set:” with default value "password"
waithidden cmd /c net user user {parameter “password”}

I tried to omit the word “value” in the query as well. I even tried adding the word “and” in front of “with default…” What am I doing wrong and how do I erase the previous password from the parameter window?

Using this method is a security issue for another reason – it sends the parameter in plaintext to the client! You should look into using a secure parameter for this instead. Take a look at this example fixlet to get started:

Edit: It’s worth noting that the last value you entered for a parameter will display only for that user on that console. Another operator who takes that action will not see the last value you provided for the parameter. Still though, secure parameters are the way to go here.

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Thanks for the notice and advice. I downloaded that fixlet and modified for our purposes