Action of Mac clients - stuck at "Waiting for active user condition"

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I have an action to run an installer on Mac clients.

I’m using the user mode: Run only when there is no user logged on

On my test machines running Mac OS X 10.6.4 and 10.5.8 and BES Client Version, the action is never run when no users are logged into the computer. The status for a computer says “Waiting for active user condition”.

I’ve restarted the computers and logged users in and out again, but the status does not change. It doesn’t seem to recognize that there are no active users. I’ve left the computer logged out for up to 14 hours with no action.

I even tried an empty action with the no user logged on option. Same result.

In fact, I checked back on actions last month we sent to mac clients with this option and they are in “waiting” status even though users have logged out.

Is this user option broken on Macs? Anyone else seeing this?

  • Aaron

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Does it make a difference if Fast User Switching (on the Mac) is turned on or off?


  1. What version of BigFix are you running?

  2. What happens if you run this Relevance as an analysis “exists logged on users” on a Mac where no one is logged in?+

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I just did some tests:

Action user constraint: Run only when no user is present

Fast user switching turned off:

Mac OS X 10.5.8 - BESClient 8.0.627.0 = does not work, action does not run when no users logged in

Mac OS X 10.6.5 - BESClient 8.0.627.0 = does not work, action does not run when no users logged in

Fast user switching turned on (this is our standard):

Mac OS X 10.5.8 - BESClient 8.0.627.0 = does not work, action does not run when no users logged in

Mac OS X 10.6.5 - BESClient 8.0.627.0 = does not work, action does not run when no users logged in

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


What happens if you run this Relevance as an analysis “exists logged on users” on a Mac where no one is logged in?

I created an analysis on all Macs with the property “exists logged on users”.

The results are:

Mac OS X 10.5.8 / 10.6.5

Computers report “exists logged on users” = “True” when no user logged in. The “User Name” property=“root”

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

In my best Northeast accent --> well, ya see, that’s your problem riiiight therrre.

points to missing oil pan on engine

So, I’ll ask around in the building (to see if this is a bug or just a “Mac thing”)… but I think for your Macs what you might want to do is avoid the Take Action Dialog “no users logged in” setting and change it to custom relevance that says “logged on users whose (it is “root”)” or something like that.

(imported comment written by MattBoyd)

Hey guys, was there ever any resolution to this? We have clients running 10.6.8 and TEM 8.2.1093 that have the same issue… root is always logged on. Any idea what causes this? Should I file a bug?

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

You should file a bug or RFE. Thanks.