Does anyone know relevance that can display the vendor’s “http://” reference link on IBM-Provided fixlets? They generally show up as an “Action2” on the fixlet. I want to reference these links in a UI Client Dashboard along with the fixlet name. These are actionscript elements in the fixlet itself, but I’m not able to find any headers or inspectors that can pull the actionscript from a fixlet.
This could only be done using session relevance, which I’m not certain if that would work in the Client UI Dashboard ( I think it should, but I don’t use the Client UI Dashboard )
Ok, I was able to get this to return the information I need for a specific fixlet, using the Presentation Debugger:
unique values of scripts of actions whose (script type of it = “text/x-uri”) of bes fixlets whose (id of it = 713)
However this relevance does not work in the Client-side UI Dashboards because the dashboard only recognizes client relevance. Is there a way to use session-relevance inside of client relevance?
I think so as well. The client doesn’t download the entire content of every fixlet from the server, it only downloads the relevances. If you were to take an Action on the client, the client can read the actionscript and the client dashboard can return contents from it…but the “Action2” links don’t trigger a client action at all, so I think you’re stuck.
You might be able to use Session Relevance at the console to create a file containing all of the links you’re interested in, then save that result as a Site File or take an action to push its content down to the clients, then have the Client Dashboard parse its content like any other local file. You’d have to execute that Session Relevance and take a new action every time you want the clients to update their content list, but depending on your purpose it might be doable.