(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)
Environment: 64 bit machine, windows 2008 server
I tried to run the perl example from https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/wikis/home?lang=en#/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/Platform%20API%20Examples
It ran fine but with Perl 32 bit.
I ported the complete example to python
import win32com.client
def new(apitype):
besobject = win32com.client.Dispatch(“BESAPI.”+apitype)
return besobject
def FixletMessage(*values):
siteID, fixletID, username, password = values
fixlet = new( “FixletMessage” );
fixlet.Load( siteID, fixletID, username, password );
return fixlet;
inside that I am invoking the function
fixlet = BESAPI.FixletMessage(siteid, fixletId, username, password);
now the problem is the site id - it’s value is 32299640702.
1)Installed python 64 bit and pywin32 64 bit - Gives class unregistered error
2)Installed python 32 bit with pywin32 bit . No class unregistered error. But complains about
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\TakeActionFromFixlet.py”, line 72, in
print takeAction(ll(32299640702).value, 35, Constants.tem_login_user, Constants.tem_login_password
File “C:\TakeActionFromFixlet.py”, line 65, in takeAction
fixlet,actionXml = getFixletAction(site, fixletId, username, password)
File “C:\TakeActionFromFixlet.py”, line 10, in getFixletAction
fixlet = BESAPI.FixletMessage(site, fixletId, username, password);
File “C:\BESAPI.py”, line 27, in FixletMessage
fixlet.Load( siteID, fixletID, username, password );
File “”, line 3, in Load
OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
Has any one tried the python. I am learning python and don’t want to jump on perl at this point.