[9.2.6] Restore WebUI functionality

Hi guys,

I need some serious help here. A colleague of mine “accidentally” deleted 2 tables in the bfenterprise database (SQL 2008 R2) that causes WebUI to stop functioning. Unfortunately we do not have a functional database backup to restore the missing tables.

Is there any other ways to restore the functionality of WebUI? Will manually create the tables with value helps? Please help! Thank you.

Browsing to returns with [ ] and within \WebUI\sites there is only a Pending subfolder.

Below are the service-app.log output

Fri, 24 Feb 2017 08:06:38 GMT bf:appmonitor:error GET https://localhost:52315/api/webui-sites failed: Error: bad status [500] {“format”:“Unexpected server error: {message}”,“arguments”:[“Database Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name \u0027WEBUI_SITES\u0027. (S0002:208)”]}
Fri, 24 Feb 2017 08:06:38 GMT bf:appmonitor:error Failed to refresh sites: Error: bad status [500] {“format”:“Unexpected server error: {message}”,“arguments”:[“Database Error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name \u0027WEBUI_SITES\u0027. (S0002:208)”]}
Fri, 24 Feb 2017 08:06:38 GMT bf:appmonitor:error Update loop error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘newSites’ of undefined


If I were you, I would open a PMR for this. Maybe the development team can help you to see which table etc and how to create it manually. (I do know they have scripts for certain problems when the upgrade of the database fails during an upgrade, so maybe they have also something for this). Creating the tables is not just creating the DB, but you have different relationships between tables, keys, …

Good luck and hopefully it gets resolved!

Hi Arne,

Thanks for your opinion. I managed to get the tables back in the database and now able to launch WebUI. However the dashboard refused to work with an error “There was a problem loading this dashboard”. Do you have any idea what went wrong that caused this?

Thanks for your help!

It is working now. Turns out I have put in 2 wrong keys in the database table. Phew.

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