8.2 Patch 11 and 9.0 Patch 7 for IBM Endpoint Manager Platform

The IBM Endpoint Manager team is releasing the 8.2 Patch 11 and 9.0 Patch 7 of the IBM Endpoint Manager platform. These new versions address security updates, including the POODLE vulnerability, and fixes from older versions of OpenSSL. The new patches use OpenSSL 0.9.8.zc.

IBM recommends upgrading whenever possible to take advantage of optimizations and bug fixes. Because these vulnerabilities are not of a critical nature, the upgrade should not be done in haste, but as part of a planned upgrade process.

Upgrade fixlets are available at BES Support since version 1198.

Here are some details of the patches:

9.0 Patch 7 (9.0.876.0)


  • Fixes for POODLE and OpenSSL security issues
  • Fixes for general platform issues

The full technical changelist is available at http://support.bigfix.com/bes/changes/fullchangelist-90.txt.

A detailed description of the security vulnerabilities is available at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21692193.

Components Affected

All components (Server components, Console, Relays, Agents) are included in this update.

8.2 Patch 11 (8.2.1456.0)


  • Fixes for “POODLE” and OpenSSL security issues.

The full technical changelist is available at http://support.bigfix.com/bes/changes/fullchangelist-82.txt.

A detailed description of the security vulnerabilities is available at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21692194.

Components Affected

Only Server components are included in this patch.

This announcement was also made available via Endpoint Management blog via developerWorks.

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github.com/bigfix/platform-releases was updated!

Will you be updating the client installers listed online too? They still list 9.0.853.0 as the current version, instead of 9.0.876.0.



Please see:

I am keenly interested what is with the agent and relay version 8.2 ? Or maybe agents and relays in ver. 8.2 are not POODLE affected ?


Check the change list notes for 8.2 http://support.bigfix.com/bes/changes/fullchangelist-82.txt
It states it’s the server components that are affected.

Yes, thanks, but there is no information that only IEM servers are affected … Futhermore other patches (9.0.876) inform on eliminating POODLE vulnerability in Security, not the Server section

For v8.2, Relays and Agents are NOT affected by the POODLE vulnerability as they do not leverage SSL for communication. Only the server components associated with v8.2 are affected.