26-February Webinar: BigFix Decoded: The Secret Secrets to SAML & Multi-Factor Authentication
Logging in to lots of applications is a fact of life, no matter what applications you are using as an end user or what applications you’re administering when you’re supporting the business. Multi factor authentication is the gold standard for security, and this is how we get there with BigFix.
This webinar is going to dive into the concept of IDP, SAML, and authentication in the context of 3 different SAML methods - Okta, Entra, and ADFS.
We’ll also give you some pointers on the type of information you’re going to need to provide to your IDP team as you’re requesting support of these capabilities.
Gary Louw is joining our usual panel this month, to show off some of these methods as they pertain to your BigFix environment and point out a little bit of the differences between these capabilities.
Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2307808280384360280