2016 patch showing relevant and failing on 2019 servers

This 2016 patch is showing relevant on 2019 servers and failing, as it should obviously.
I see someone else posted a similar issue for a different KB.

This is the 2016 patch I’ve noticed with this issue so far in testing…
MS21-OCT: Cumulative Update for Windows Server 2016 - Windows Server 2016 - KB5006669 (x64)


We’re seeing the same.

Plus one.

Did you open a case with HCL?

This looks like the offending relevancy:

(name of it = “Win2016” OR name of it starts with “Win20” AND (exists value “CurrentMajorVersionNumber” of it AND value “CurrentMajorVersionNumber” of it as integer = 10) of key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion” of native registry) of operating system

I opened case CS0267509

See the updates in the release note thread

Hi All ,
The issue for KB5006669 was already observed by the team and changes are available in the latest version .

Site Name: Patches for Windows
Version: 3861