2012 (6.2.9200) September maintenance breaks KMS on the endpoint

Looks like KB5030279 or KB5030278 breaks KMS on windows server 2012. Can anyone else confirm this?

I get this when running /dli command and bottom right of wallpaper has windows logo (which appears when you are not licensed)

C:\Windows\System32>cscript slmgr.vbs /dli
Microsoft ® Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Error: product key not found.

MS case 2309130030005607 opened.

It would appear that September maintenance for 2012r2/2016/2019/2022 is not affected.

If I peel off KB5030279 or KB5030278, KMS functionality is restored.

I will be monitoring this!

Hello all, we also have exactly the same problem here and can also confirm the workaround with the uninstallation of the two KBs. We do not want to open another case. Have you received an answer from MS in the meantime or have you made any progress?

Good for me to hear this. Now it’s not just our installation. I will report this back to MS. We are still t-shooting it. They have not heard of any other customers but with your reply, you can bet they will. They are also not able to reproduce this on their end (naturally).

Can I ask what A/V tool your company uses?

I am being told to have you open another case and reference my case number (2309130030005607) so this starts to get more visibility.

Are these KMS Client keys, or is this Win2012 server hosting your KMS Server services?
If these are just KMS clients, does running slmgr.vbs /ipk allow you to re-import the KMS client key?

Note - all KMS clients use the same KMS Client Keys. They’re publicly available. A list is at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-r2-and-2012/jj612867(v=ws.11)

We are still running a hyper-v cluster with windows server 2012 Datacenter (OEM). These soon to be unsupported systems will be migrated to our new HCI infrastructure with Windows Server 2022 by the end of October.

As A/V solution we have Symantec Endpoint Protection in use. We’ll open a new case with reference to yours. At the same time, we’ll continue to troubleshoot.

We suspect that the problem is that our WSUS server first distributed the two KBs that we installed. Subsequently, the SSU (KB5030330) was distributed and also installed. However, MS recommends installing the SSU first.

My two boxes discovered thus far are simple 2012 endpoints NOT running KMS. The license broke on both after installing KB5030279.

We don’t use the rollups.

We prioritize SSU to run B4 any regular maintenance. It is unlikely that SSU caused any of this. I was told SSU updates are published 90d before the code changes inside are actually needed.

Typically, you install the latest keys for server OS into KMS, today that would be 2022 and they are downward compatible.


Here is what I did with success and assistance from MS.

Download KB3172615 file file from:

Install KB3172615
Install KB5030278 (rollup) or KB5030279 (sec only)

From MS

In short summary, your Server 2012 is running extremely old “RTM” and no longer supported version of Software Licensing Service (SPPSVC) 6.2.9200.16384. To fix this KMS activation issue, you need to bring it to the supported version 6.2.9200.21894 by installing KB3172615 (from 2016). Once install KB3172615, and reboot (not required but highly recommended), the current issues/symptoms should be resolved right away without any intervention (e.g. slmgr or rebuilding tokens.dat)

Thank you very much, you made my day! Unfortunately, we have not yet received a response to our support ticket. We have installed the missing KB and the problem is solved.