1602, 1603 exit code meaning?

I’m getting a 1602 and 1603 code for installs of Adobe Acrobat DC using the setup.exe. Action script without the prefetch below.

wait “__Download\setup.exe” /qn /norestart

1603 is an MSI exit code. It generally means “MSI is confused.“. In practicality it means “reboot and try again.”

See: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376931(v=vs.85).aspx

It can also mean a lot of things depending on how the package creator decided to terminate the installation based on their own custom checks.

For a lot of products, it means “you can’t install on this platform”, like a patch that’s already installed, or a 64-bit package installing on a 32-bit operating system.

For some, (and I will name-shame VMWare on this), it means “I really want you to reboot before installing and I detected a pending file rename operation so I’m going to throw up now”.

Easiest way to check is to run the MSI with a full GUI and see whether it gives a useful error message. Less easy way is to run the installer and create an MSI log, those can be very long and confusing but are useful in diagnosing the problem.

Oh. Thanks Jason. It is very likely that it is a architecture issue.