XSD Class Generation Serialization Woes

This question is for those who are using the XSDs with an HTTP Client other than the IEM CLI. Have you run into issues with serialization, properties not showing up / classes not having correct aliases… etc.

We are considering implementing BigFix and are writing tooling (PowerShell Module) to allow for integrations with our internal tools.

So far I have found the API to be very intuitive and easy to use, we took the XSDs and created CSharp classes that we can import into PowerShell to use native classes to serialize and deserialize our objects when submitting and requesting via the API endpoints.

However, there seem to be a good amount of rough edges in the XSD generated CS classes:

  1. The BESAPI.xsd would not not parse with MS xsd.exe due to improper object nesting. (Out pre sales support gave us a corrected XSD pretty quickly)
  2. The Fixlet object in BES.xsd has bad types for Relevance, again due to not being supported at that level.
  3. BES.xsd is completely missing a Task class.
  4. FixletWithActions class does not serialize to Fixlet
  5. ActionScript MIMEType property does not get reflected when object is serialized.
    6… other small things revolving around xml serialization

It is possible that these issues are just a result of how ms xsd.exe generates the classes, unfortunately I am in a pretty locked down environment and try not to bring in unneeded / untrusted software. If others are not having these issues with .NET based solutions I would be more than happy to try another xsd transformation tool. Please let me know if have had more success than me, or if you just implemented the classes natively!

Thank you,