Writing Cache To Disk Failed Error

(imported topic written by Marty23)

Has anyone seen this error before?

I have two team members that are getting the following error when they exit the console, but the rest of the team seems to be fine.

Write Cache To Disk Failed

Unable to write session cache to disk. This is most likly the result of a configuration error.

Without a cache, your console will place significantly more load on the central BES Server,

and may adversely affect the performance of your entire BES deployment.

The cache contains inconsistent field row counts. This indicates an inconsistent database; please contact your administrator.

(problem detected in Object #5 in site ActionSite)


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Marty,

Please start up a support ticket and we can fix that for you. I believe this is the result of a caching problem with the console and can be fixed by clearing the cache: http://support.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/kbdirect.pl?id=233


(imported comment written by rclarke)

I have also seen the same error several times recently. I clear the cache and all is well for a few days then the error returns. It is not a major problem but it would be nice to know of a permanent solution.
