Windows Update Finds and Installs BIOS Update

This is interesting. This is typical for Microsoft Surface devices when using “Microsoft Update” but not typical for Lenovo devices. I do know that it is possible for drivers to be delivered through “Microsoft Update” / Windows Update in general.

I don’t know that this is a stream of content that is typically generated in BigFix but this is something that could be explored. One issue is testing of this type of content is very difficult.

I created a post to explore the possibility: BIOS Updates & Configuration using BigFix

I used Dell Command Update to automate the installation of drivers and bios updates through BigFix in previous jobs, as well as extending that to automate the creation of content in BigFix to do the same.

One issue I have is I don’t have the hardware to test most of these things, which is a real struggle. I am willing to help make the content where I can, but I’d have to rely on the community to do most of the testing.

My short term goal is to come up with example BIOS updates for as many vendors as possible, my long term goal is to make it easier to automatically generate the content.

One factor that makes this much more complicated is generally BitLocker must be suspended before doing BIOS updates. There is a real risk of data loss if you aren’t certain you have the most recent recovery key from the system escrowed and don’t do this correctly.