Windows 7 Eligibility Information Analysis

(imported topic written by mcalvi91)

Any idea on why the video portion is failing on approx 5k of our systems?

Free Disk Space Check Free Disk Space OK

Memory Check System Memory OK.

Processor Speed Check Processor Speed OK

Video Card Memory Check Video RAM OK

Singular expression refers to non-unique object.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

What is the property name/relevance that gives you that error?


(imported comment written by mcalvi91)

The property name is

Video Card Memory Check

the relevance is

(if (it < 128) then ("Insufficient Video Memory. Video Memory in MB: " & (it as string)) else (“Video RAM OK”)) of ((numeric value of (first match (regex “\d+$”) of it) of ((select “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi) as string)) / 1048576)

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

On the machines that are failing: is there more than one “adapterram”? My laptop requires me to use “selects” instead of “select” with that WMI query as there are two adapterram results.

(imported comment written by mcalvi91)

the relevance debugger gives me the following.

q: (select “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi)

A: AdapterRAM=1824163840

E: Singular expression refers to non-unique object.

q: (selects “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi)

A: AdapterRAM=1824163840

A: AdapterRAM

q: (if (it < 128) then ("Insufficient Video Memory. Video Memory in MB: " & (it as string)) else (“Video RAM OK”)) of ((numeric value of (first match (regex “\d+$”) of it) of ((select “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi) as string)) / 1048576)

A: Video RAM OK

E: Singular expression refers to non-unique object.

q: (if (it < 128) then ("Insufficient Video Memory. Video Memory in MB: " & (it as string)) else (“Video RAM OK”)) of ((numeric value of (first match (regex “\d+$”) of it) of ((selects “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi) as string)) / 1048576)

A: Video RAM OK

E: Singular expression refers to nonexistent object.

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

You can use:

“integer values of selects…” instead of just “selects…”

That will work in the case where there are two adapterrram results but only one has a value associated with it. If you have boxes that return multiple apaaterram values it will probably not work.

(imported comment written by mcalvi91)

will it work for systems with one value as well?

(imported comment written by BenKus)


(imported comment written by intrepdmind91)

Any more updates in this thread? Even using “integer values of selects” I still receive:

<multiple results; error>

Debugger on every one (sample >25) of these machines returning this value report:

q:(if (it < 128) then ("Insufficient. Video Memory in MB: " & (it as string)) else (“Video RAM OK”)) of ((numeric value of (first match (regex “\d+$”) of it) of ((integer values of selects “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi) as string)) / 1048576)

A:“Video RAM OK”

E:“Singular expression refers to a non-unique object”


q:(if (it < 128) then ("Insufficient. Video Memory in MB: " & (it as string)) else (“Video RAM OK”)) of ((numeric value of (first match (regex “\d+$”) of it) of ((selects “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi) as string)) / 1048576)

A:“Video RAM OK”

E:“Singular expression refers to a non-unique object”


q:(if (it < 128) then ("Insufficient. Video Memory in MB: " & (it as string)) else (“Video RAM OK”)) of ((numeric value of (first match (regex “\d+$”) of it) of ((select “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi) as string)) / 1048576)

A:“Video RAM OK”

E:“Singular expression refers to a non-unique object”

Any help would be fantastic!

(imported comment written by BenKus)

It needed a little work (“numeric value” --> “numeric values” and moving the division to a different place in the expression)… Try this:

q:(if (it / 1048576 < 128) then ("Insufficient. Video Memory in MB: " & (it as string)) else (“Video RAM OK”)) of ((numeric values of (first match (regex “\d+$”) of it) of ((integer values of selects “adapterram from Win32_VideoController” of wmi) as string)) )


(imported comment written by intrepdmind91)


Thanks for taking a look! I’ll give it a try and post results.

(imported comment written by intrepdmind91)


The relevance actually works a lot better, however now im seeing:


(these didn’t exist before)

on several machines. When hovering my mouse over the “” objects, I get:

Video RAM OK

Video RAM OK

if I hover over the “” entries, there are no results.

Again, thanks so much for your help. A lot of this is out of my league.

(imported comment written by Shlomi91)


regarding CPU:

the check suggested here is set to x GHz speed (i set it to 2.4 GHz) - however, this is not accurate enough, especially with laptops.

for example, this analysis gave the result that a 6-month old Lenovo T61 thinkpad is not eligible, since its CPU speed is only 2400 MHz.

However, the full CPU name is “2400 MHz Intel® Core™ i5 CPU M 520 @ 2.40GHz”, which is a pretty new one…

this also goes for several PC types - for example, a HP DX2400 desktop, which is about 1 year old, also failed the eligibility test (E2160 Core 2 1.8GHZ) - and this one is Vista ready…

this is without even going into AMD CPU’s…

i am thinking that MHz speed is not enough to evaluate CPU’s.

can anyone think of a better way to evaluate CPU eligibility?



(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

I think this bug was fixed in the labs version:

I also like using system age as a control:

(date (local time zone) of now - (month (first 2 of it as integer) & day_of_month (first 2 of last 5 of it) & year (last 2 of it as integer + 2000)) of (

if (exist key 
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Description\System\" of native registry and exist value "SystemBiosDate
" of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Description\System\
" of native registry) then value "SystemBiosDate
" of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Description\System\
" of native registry as string else "
") )

(imported comment written by Shlomi91)

this certainly looks useful!

thanks, ill take a look.

(imported comment written by Shlomi91)

the CPU check is almost exactly the same as the “Windows 7 Eligibility Information Analysis”, so a bit of disappointment there…

there seems to be many CPU brands / types (Core 2 / Core 2 Dou / Core 2 Quad / i3 / i5 / i7 / various AMD CPU’s etc.) that pure CPU speed is not enough for eligibility analysis.

this is without taking into account the “Windows 7 XP mode”…

from what i could find, there is a list posted at Tom’s Hardware that list Intel CPU’s supported by Windows 7, and which also support XP mode:

but, for the life of me, i cant figure out a way to include this info in the hardware analysis…

with 4000+ computers, going through all computers one by one and figuring which one is too old and which one only has core speed below 2400 MHz (but has 4 cores, for example) seems a bit tedious…

there seems to be no way but to include the CPU name and manually filter out all of the newer CPU’s with speed <1800 (or so).

another way may be a totally different approach - look at the total disk size, this will give a rough estimate of the computer age (for laptops <80 GB and for desktops <160 GB - probably too old)

what do you guys think?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Shlomi,

Do you think your problem is related to this?


(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

Hi Shlomi,

that’s why I posted the system age relevance, so you can just use motherboard age to make the decision. For instance, if your hardware refresh cycle is 3 years, you can remove anything older than 1095 days from the upgrade list.

(imported comment written by Shlomi91)

Hi Jack,

this is what i am looking for - but i cant find the “system age” relevance anywhere… can you give me a pointer?

(imported comment written by JackCoates91)

Hi Shlomi,

Here’s an export of my property. Save it as a text file named system-age.bes and import it into your console.

<?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
"UTF-8"?> <BES xmlns:xsi=
"" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=
"BES.xsd"> <Analysis> <Title>System Age</Title> <Description><![CDATA[<TABLE>   <TBODY>   <TR>   <TD><FONT size=2>   <P><BR>This analysis uses BIOS date to show the age of systems in your environment. It is limited to Windows OS.</FONT></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>]]></Description> <Relevance>(

if( name of operating system starts with 
"Win" ) then platform id of operating system != 3 


true)</Relevance> <MIMEField> <Name>x-fixlet-modification-time</Name> <Value>Wed, 05 May 2010 23:58:56 +0000</Value> </MIMEField> <Domain>BESC</Domain> <Property Name=
"System Age" ID=
"5"><![CDATA[(date (local time zone) of now - (month (first 2 of it as integer) & day_of_month (first 2 of last 5 of it) & year (last 2 of it as integer + 2000)) of (

if (exist key 
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Description\System\" of native registry and exist value "SystemBiosDate
" of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Description\System\
" of native registry) then value "SystemBiosDate
" of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\Description\System\
" of native registry as string else "
") )]]></Property> </Analysis> </BES>