Windows 2016 Patches Superseded each month

We deployed the March 2019 Windows 2016 Server patch in our DEV environment shortly after it was released. Our patch cycle runs into april. The march patch was superseded before we had the chance to deploy to PROD. I’m wondering how others are handling this scenario.


Just don’t sync your patch baseline and deploy it with the March patches.

Please see the following for a good discussion and some background around this subject:

In particular, if you would like to be able to enable evaluation (and deployment) of superseded Windows patches, you can do so now per endpoint by setting _BESClient_WindowsOS_EnableSupersededEval to 1.

JonL the baseline did not show up as relevant for my 2016 system, however if i target by name (and likely dynamically) it was installed successfully.

Aram, i will take a closer look at the _BESClient_WindowsOS_EnableSupersededEval setting.

Thank you both