We’ve tried everything from running a .vbs script that imports a registry file running as administrator to command line tools (such as elevate.exe) to successfully import registry keys in win7 with bigfix but have failed…
Has anyone been able to successfully do this?
Our scripts all run , report no errors but the reg keys simply dont import.
We’ve actually had no success importing any keys , the last test we did was creating a new custom key in HKLM\Software…
Really strange, if you double click the script we use on a win7 machine it prompts you for UAC and then imports the key successfully, but if executed with bigfix nothing happens…
Just wondering if maybe this is a known bug or there is a work around because of the new security in win7…
I’ve done imports many times on Win7. Is it 64-bit win7? Can you post your REG IMPORT command, or perhaps the action script? What version of TEM are you running?
we cant seem to figure out how to get bigfix to import a .reg key into the 64bit registry rather than the wow64 redirection… is it possible? or is it because our client is running in 32bit that it cant ?