Win2012 r2 Core - Post-Action Restart?

I might be running into a problem with Post-Action Restart on Win2012 R2 Core, running BES client 9.5.2. If I am logged in at the console and send an action with a post-action restart, the action status moves to “Pending Restart” but the system doesn’t actually reboot.

I suspect it may be an issue where the BES Client UI cannot create the window to warn the logged-on user that a reboot is needed? I sent an action with a 1-minute post-action reboot, with ‘user cannot cancel’, that executed about ten minutes ago but no indication that the system is executing a reboot.

I’m just starting to try to use 2012 r2 Core (and this is “real” Core, not “minimal interface”). Is this a known limitation, or should I keep looking?


I had the same issue – on Server Core there is no ClientUI process for each user and any post-action restart command hangs with a status of, “Pending Restart” but does not actually restart the system.

My Server Core agents are running Agent Version for reference.

Seems like PMR material!


Any success on a PMR? Same issue here were no reboot occurs (using the “restart 5” action script command, not Post Action reboot).

Running BES

I never opened a PMR (sorry got busy). You’re welcome to open one. I just added a ‘waithidden shutdown.exe /r /t:60’ where needed.

If someone submits a PMR, post the link for it and I’ll be happy to Vote for it.

We actually don’t even attempt to bring up a Client UI on a core system, or that is the intent

That being said the Win2012 R2 “Core” is a bit different but I’ll try it on my environment as well.

we found that you have to disable the ClientUI. You can’t use the existing fixlet “BES Client Setting: Client UI Enable/Disable Main Dialog” because it is only relevant on systems with Internet Explorer, which Core edition does not have.

I made a copy of the fixlet that worked and allowed the reboot to succeed:

if (version of operating system >= "6.2") then (((exists value "ServerCore" whose (it as string = "1")of it AND not exists value "Server-Gui-Mgmt" of it AND not exists value "Server-Gui-Shell" of it) OR (exists value "ServerCore" whose (it as string = "1")of it AND exists value "Server-Gui-Mgmt" whose (it as string = "1")of it AND not exists value "Server-Gui-Shell" of it)) of (key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Server\ServerLevels" of native registry)) else false

not exists setting "_BESClient_ActionManager_UIEnableMode" whose (value of it = "none") of client

setting "_BESClient_ActionManager_UIEnableMode"="none" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client runhidden cmd /C net stop besclient && net start besclient > NUL 2> NUL

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@AlanM where you able to test this? It seemed to work for a few of my systems but now it’s not again.

You should file a PMR :slight_smile:

I have. no resolution yet.

If you can message me the PMR through here I can look for it.

For your information,
APAR IV94316 has been created to solve the issue.
The problem happens only when there are users logged on.

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