Win10 to win11 in-place upgrade fails

Hi - trying to do an in-place upgrade; target validation was successful.

After reading through other threads I checked c:\in_place_upgrade\W10x64\out.log and all it shows is this "-1047526912 " (minus quotes).

In the console when i check status is reports Failed with Exit Code 0.

Action info here:
Failed continue if {exists file ((parameter “dstPath”) & “\out.log”) whose (exists lines whose (it as string = "0 ") of it)}
//Restore initial client CPU settings if modified (Task 203) and restart computer
parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings” = "{value of variable “TEMP” of environment}\bfosdSettings.txt"
parameter “newOsSoftwareRegistry” = "C:$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE"
parameter “bfClientSoftwareRegistryPath” = "{if (x64 of operating system) then “WOW6432Node” else “”}BigFix\EnterpriseClient\Settings\Client"
parameter “tempSoftwareRegistryMountPoint” = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TempSoftwareHive"
if {exists file (parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings”) And exists file ((parameter “newOsSoftwareRegistry”))}
createfile until _EOF
reg load {parameter “tempSoftwareRegistryMountPoint”} {parameter “newOsSoftwareRegistry”}
{if line 1 of file (parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings”) starts with "delete " then "reg delete " & (parameter “tempSoftwareRegistryMountPoint”) & “” & (parameter “bfClientSoftwareRegistryPath”) & “” & (following text of first "delete " of line 1 of file (parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings”)) else “reg add " & (parameter “tempSoftwareRegistryMountPoint”) & “” & (parameter “bfClientSoftwareRegistryPath”) & “” & (preceding text of it & " /d " & following text of it) of (first “=” of line 1 of file (parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings”)) & " /t REG_SZ”} /v value /f
{if line 2 of file (parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings”) starts with "delete " then "reg delete " & (parameter “tempSoftwareRegistryMountPoint”) & “” & (parameter “bfClientSoftwareRegistryPath”) & “” & (following text of first "delete " of line 2 of file (parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings”)) else “reg add " & (parameter “tempSoftwareRegistryMountPoint”) & “” & (parameter “bfClientSoftwareRegistryPath”) & “” & (preceding text of it & " /d " & following text of it) of (first “=” of line 2 of file (parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings”)) & " /t REG_SZ”} /v value /f
reg unload {parameter “tempSoftwareRegistryMountPoint”}
move __createfile restoreSettings.bat
waithidden cmd.exe /c restoreSettings.bat
delete {parameter “bfosdPreUpgradeSettings”}
action requires restart
waithidden cmd.exe /c shutdown /r
notify client forcerefresh
pause while {pending restart}
regset “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\ImageInfo]” “UpgradeStatus”="NoUpgrade"

Any ideas why it failed?

the failed step reports than an error occurred during the Microsoft upgrade process.
More information could be possibly found in the file

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