Whose it is "1" or "2" or "3"

My apologies, if I missed this topic posted elsewhere. I’m putting together relevance for a specific model of machine out of a possible list of machines I can make it work for a single model

exists value “SystemProductName” whose (it as string as lowercase is “Model 1”) of key “HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\Bios” of native registry

what I want is

exists value “SystemProductName” whose (it as string as lowercase is “Model 1” OR “Model 2” OR “Model 3”) of key “HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\Bios” of native registry

I’ll keep searching the forum. Thanks in advance!


Hi Tom,

First of all, if you are matching on lowercase make sure your string is lowercase also. You have “Model 1” instead of “model 1”. But anyway, give this a shot:

exists value "SystemProductName" whose (it as string contains case insensitive regex "^(Model 1|Model 2|Model 3)$") of key "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\Bios" of native registry

As always, lots of ways to do it.

exists (values "SystemProductName" of key "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\Bios" of native registry, ("Model 1";"Model 2";"Model 3")) whose (item 0 of it as string as lowercase = item 1 of it as lowercase)

exists values "SystemProductName" whose (it as string as lowercase is contained by set of (("Model 1";"Model 2";"Model 3") as lowercase) of key "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\Bios" of native registry

exists ("Model 1";"Model 2";"Model 3") whose (it as lowercase = value "SystemProductName" of key "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\Bios" of native registry)