Where to download complete relevance language compendium

(imported topic written by Trailsuender)

Unfortunately I did yet not find a link or a site where to download a complete overview and compendium of the relevance language.

There are also often immense differences between *nix and Windows command sets and even under [the same] Windows version, different TEM version deliver different results on trivial Q’s:

Windows, BESRootServer Version
, result “urri” is correct:

Q: version of service "BESRootServer"
A: 8.2.1409.0
T: 57.914 ms

Q: ( name of it ) of logged on user
A: urri
T: 1.462 ms

Windows, BESRootServer Version
, result “upbi” is worng and there is also an error reported:

Q: version of service "BESRootServer"
A: 9.0.649.0
T: 85.192 ms

Q: ( name of it ) of logged on user
A: upbi
E: Singular expression refers to non-unique object

On Linux, the function is unfortunately
completely unavailable

Q: ( name of it ) of logged on user
E: Singular expression refers to nonexistent object.
T: 99

This differences make it not really eady to use the system easy and convenient. For beginners like me it’s often the total show-stopper.

I really would appreciate any help, if there is somewhere a full command reference for download available and someone can give me a link.

I yet didn’t find it myself on the support.bigfix.com or relevant ibm.com pages. I fact, it is not easy to find something, if you do not know, how to ask the question to the system correctly…

Best regards

(imported comment written by sinucus)

I will agree with you on the documentation side, when this product was still under the Bigfix name, their website was very well designed and ordered. All the information you could need was at your fingertips. Once IBM took over and moved everything over to their site, a LOT of content got moved/misplaced. They have been getting better about it but I still feel that its a mess.

There’s quite a bit of documentation at the following link. It’s mostly 8.x documentation


The inspector search is great as well


  • Click the links on the side to move to different areas


Not exactly Tivoli documentation, but when working with wmi, this page is required.


Someone also created a usergroup site for bigfix, which I recommend as well.


This link also has a lot of the 9.0 documentation


There’s still some info on this old page as well


(imported comment written by sinucus)

There are legitimate reasons why you are getting different answer to your “logged on user” query, and the answer is right in front on you.

Q: ( name of it ) of logged on user
A: upbi
E: Singular expression refers to non-unique object

As you can see, it states “Singular expression refers to non-unique object.” That means that there was more than 1 result but you used a singular request so it wasn’t allowed to show the other answer. If you changed the query to q: (name of it) of logged on users - then you would see the multiple results. Typically you wouldn’t expect to have multiple users on a system, but if this was a server then you could have multiple RDP sessions which would result in your answer.

q: name of logged on users - is also the same query, I had left it as (name of it) because I was using that same line in another query. When you use the “it” code, you are ~variable-tizing it, so that you can reference that result in another part of the query. When you use the QnA and hover over “it” it will turn the code another color to show you what it is referencing.