When the number of hops to the relay is 3 or less,I want to force BES Clients to Run Relay Autoselection

When the number of hops to the relay is 3 or less,I want to force BES Clients to Run Relay Autoselection.
Please tell me how to set a relevance if you know it.


By default relay selection is run every 6 hours when you have automatic selection enabled. So forcing selection is already being done in a way. If you have multiple hops going on it might be good to review where your relays are placed. That aside you can control how auto-selection works by adjusting the number of hops that are allowed when performing selection but if there is not a relay close enough then you might have issues and end up with a bunch of clients hitting your root server because there is no better option… which is bad. The client setting that does that is _BESClient_RelaySelect_MaximumTTLToPing.

Dear dmccalla-san,

Is your saying “By default relay selection is run every 6 hours when you have automatic selection enabled.” true ?
In my environment, relay selections is automatic selection enabled. But each client don’t reselect the relay.
Mt IBM SE said “Relays used by clients will not change automatically until their relays are unavailable”,too

So I want to force BES Clients to Run Relay Autoselection .

Do you know this for certain? The client logs will tell you how often automatic relay selection is performed, and which relay the client chooses. I would verify that your assumption is true by spot-checking the logs on a couple of machines.

dmccalla is correct in that when clients have automatic selection enabled the agent will by default perform a relay selection at an interval equal to the _BESClient_RelaySelect_IntervalSeconds client setting (default; 6 hours).

You can find useful information about client settings here.

Interestingly, I just noticed that there is a client setting called _BESClient_RelaySelect_Always_OnIPListChange. This is described as:

"If a client is temporarily on a sub-network from where it cannot register to the desired relay, the client registers with the root server. By default an auto relay selection is not triggered even if, later on, the client IP situation changes and the client can communicate again with the desired relay. This means that the client will continue to be registered with the root server until a new explicit relay selection occurs.

You can assign the value 1 to this configuration setting to change the default behavior and trigger automatically a new relay selection when the IPList addresses changes after the registration even if the IP used for the current registration is still available."

This might be related to your situation. Again, I would recommend checking your client logs to determine what their actual behaviour is like.