I install bigfix and I want to install it with the webui fixlet.
I have completed the installation normally but I can not access webui.
The port has 80, 443 installed. There is no firewall.
What’s the problem ??
What is the OS of the root server?
Did you install the WebUI on the root server, or a remote server? If remote, what OS is that server?
There should be logs in the WebUI folders that would help diagnose the issue.
You may need to file a PMR / Service Request to get support with this: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/support/servicerequest/quick_start.html
Hey @giwoongkim.
The number one problem we see with WebUI installs is WebUI is Initializing messages. Is that what you’re seeing?
We have a technote that walks through most of the typical reasons and some solutions to WebUI Initializing messages: https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=ibm10729221
If you’re still having problems after going through that technote, yeah definitely file a case!
root server OS : windows 2012 r2
db : mssql
What log is required?
thank you.
webui is not an initialization configuration,
The webui page can not be linked.
Depending on your installation path, “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\service-wrapper.log” then everything in “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES WebUI\WebUI\logs”
Did you find a solution for this, I’m having the same problem.
Info :
Version 9.5.9
Webui server OS Linux Redhat
BigFix root server OS Linux Redhat
Database DB2
Port 80 and 443 open from my browser server to the WEBUI server
Port 52315 open from WEBUI server to BigFix root server
Port 50000 open from WEBUI server to BigFix root server, where the database is installed
No logfiles present in /var/opt/BESWebUI/WebUI/logs/
service-wrapper.log caontains the following :
Wed, 30 Jan 2019 14:37:33 +0100 – [WebUI] Found updated WebUI Common site WebUI Common v49 available for download
Wed, 30 Jan 2019 14:37:43 +0100 – [WebUI] WebUISiteDownloader error: HTTP Error 28: Timeout was reached: Connection timed out after 10005 milliseconds
Thanks in advance
Unless you’ve customized the Bigfix ports at installation time, you’d need tcp/52311 open to the root server, not 52315
Why can’t I see that in the WEBUI documentation, in the installation procedure it doesn’t mention 52311, it says that from 9.5.5 port 52315 on the root server is used to allow communication between the root server and the WebUI.
Oh sorry, my mistake. This is embarassing. I was thinking Web Reports, not WebUI.
Shouldn’t the WEBUI service be listening on port 80 and 443 on the WEBUI server, it doesn’t in my case and I also receive a connection refused, when I try to connect from the browser.
The WEBUI service seems to be running fine.
Seems like we were both right, problem solved by opening port 52311 between the WebUI and the BESRootServer
So you need to have port 80, 443, 52311 and 52315 open.