WebUI Database Documentation

I am in the process of implementing WebUI, and I am not finding documentation on the database. I have seen that there is a client setting _WeUIAppEnv_USE_BFENT = 1 which appears to mean that the WebUI database is contained in the BFEnterprise DB. Then does this mean that there is no SQLite database? Has anyone seen documentation regarding this? It is not in the Administration Guide for WebUI.

Additionally, what is the process for removing and re-installing the WebUI. I see there is a fixlet to remove the WebUI service, but what about the directories and the database tables.

Correct, there is not a separate database for WebUI. It creates and populates new tables inside the BFEnterprise database.

If WebUI is reinstalled or moved to another host, the table data is overwritten/updated by the new WebUI instance. Hence there can be only one WebUI instance in the deployment. If you have a DSA configuration, you would still use only one WebUI.