WebUI/Console RFE for Maximum # of targeted endpoints per action (For Help Desk)


Just wanted to throw this RFE out there: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=viewRfe&CR_ID=86110

We would love the ability (Especially with WebUI) to limit the number of computers an operator can target with an action. A per-operator setting would be useful allowing us to limit certain operators to only being able to target 1 or 2 machines at a time. Preferably removing their ability to dynamically target endpoints completely.

This would allow us to provide WebUI and/or console access to Help Desk or lower level desktop support technicians without giving them the ability to effect mass change in the enterprise.


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Hi ,

I think there is no way to do this with default. I voted your RFE request :blush:
we codded a script for all tasks after begin prefetch block.

begin prefetch block
action parameter query "computername" with description "PC name :" with default value "XXXXXXXXXXX"
if {(parameter "computername" as string as lowercase) is (computer name as string as lowercase)}
  add prefetch item name=******************** sha1=******************** size=13215744 url=SWDProtocol://********************/swdname.spb.bfswd sha256=********************
   parameter "verification"="successfull"
  parameter "verification"="not successfull"
end prefetch block

continue if {parameter "verification" is not "not successfull"}

Apologies for the very delayed response. When you say you want to remove “their ability to dynamically target endpoints completely”, are you saying that they shouldn’t be able to target at computer groups either? Dynamic targeting by property is not currently available in the WebUI. That was a decision we made very intentionally, as the user we’re targeting here shouldn’t have access to that functionality in most environments. As we go forward we realize that we’ll likely have to add more permission bits here.

Sorry for the confusing language.

The end goal would definitely be to have a flag that makes it so an operator can only target 1, 2, or X number of machines (regardless of targeting method).

This would allow us to grant junior operators access while severely limiting their ability to shoot themselves in the foot. Preferably this would be a per operator setting.

Thanks for the feedback- definitely something we’ve heard and are interested in.