WebReports Permission Error

hello team,
I have installed webreports on my bigfix server using a local user: webreports
when i start the webreport service I’m getting the following error in the web:

File error “19FilePermissionError” on “/etc/opt/BESWebReportsServer/actionsite.afxm” : “Error 0x13%: Permission denied”

it looks like the user webreports does not have the permission to /etc/opt
( permission to the dir is 700).
if i’m changing the permission to 755 it’s working fine but after few hours it’s changing back to 700.

I don’t want to use root for webreport, is there any way to fix this ?


BigFix services are required to run as root… Masthead can be updated as license updates or some product configuration changes, so it can be overwritten.

actually in the installation of webreports , it asks you if you want to use root or a local user.
it’s listed here:

I will need to change it.