Webreport Query related to UP & down or history of data


I have not seen such info with webreport hence just want to check if anyone face such requirement & created something. Right now I am doing manual work on it using excel & keeping history of data.

Is there any option we can showcase up & down related to Server count, like last week server count was X & another column with it which show current week’s count is Y now.

Similarly for each OS platform earlier last week there were windows10 count was 1000 machines now its now this week its increased to 1200 machines same goes with other OS (Windows, Non-Windows)

And its not just for 2 weeks, like history of some weeks.

Web Reports doesn’t really store historical data in most cases, but you could have web reports generate an email or CSV file or similar on a schedule with the data, which might help automate the collection of the historical data you are interested in.

BigFix Inventory or BigFix Compliance may have reports that give these values over time that you are looking for, they do store and report historical data over time.