Webinar: Master Your Endpoints Part Two! Tuesday, December 3rd @ 1PM EST

Join Matt Mangan as he shows you some helpful tips and tricks in part two of our “Master Your Endpoints” series.

Register here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2618628081706826763

View Replay of part one here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1771782023799960587

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There still needs to be a better way for folks to get notified about these sessions more than 1 day in advance, but here’s how you can at least make sure you get prompt notification about these:

Go to the Events section by clicking on “Events” under the title for this topic. Then, click on the little pull down over on the far right of that page (next to the “New Topic” button) and change that setting to “Watching.” This should cause you to get a notification as soon as a new topic in Events gets created. The downside is that this might result in you getting notified about User Group meetings nowhere near you.


That is a good tip for forum notifications, and the events category shouldn’t be too noisy.

This won’t help with notifications, but this is the main place to check for new webinars and events: https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=bigfix_events

Another option is the BigFix Slack Events channel, join here: https://join.slack.com/t/bigfix/shared_invite/enQtNzAyMDYxMzgwNDM5LWE0NDE4OTY0ZWIyNmVkYWY3M2E4OWEzNDMxMWY3MWU5NWY1Mzc1YmIwMGFjNzNmYjdlOTM0MTQwNzU4NTRhYjM