Web reports based on content and relevance

Hello Everyone, as I am a novice when it comes to web reports I was wondering if someone can point me in the right direction.

I have the following content report that works very good
Results match all conditions
Content -> Site is My site and
Content -> type is Baseline and
Content -> Name contains “September 2018”

when I run this report I get 4 baselines that contain the Name given.
For each baseline I get
Progress (graphic and %),Source Release Date,MeanTimetoRemediate, Remediate Computer Count,applicable computer Count, Name and Type (I could pick more elements but those are good)

Now is it possible to modify the report for the Content -> Name - Contains
that instead of having to input the “Month Year” every time, it contains “a relevance that calculates one month before the month and the year we are running the report on?)”

something like
((month of date (local time zone) of now - 1*month) as string) & " " & (year of date(local time zone) of now as string)

as we know that the Patch Operator will always create the Baselines with the naming convention…XX Baseline Windows 2016 R2 January 2018 then we can schedule the report to run automatically and email to us and will show the results of the patching for the month before for all the OS.

Nice to have will be the ability for the report to add the 4 progress percentage and divide by the number of Baselines and get a total percentage…

Thanks again.

Unfortunately, that sort of filter is not currently possible with native reports. That said, it is certainly possible via a Custom report.

Thank you Aram for the response and help, I will see how to create a custom report.