Web Report Windows 32 bits and 64 bits?

I would like report to show me if the OS is 32-bit or 64-bit. Can you help me?

You must get a property result that contains this info using session relevance.

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Could you give me an example?

You need a globally activated analysis with a property with the following relevance:

architecture of operating system

See here: http://bigfix.me/analysis/details/2994800

Then you need to grab the results using session relevance.

Something Like:

(names of it, values of results from (bes property "OS Architecture - Inspector") of it) of bes computers


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Though if you’ve got an analysis itll show up as a drop down option in Web Reports – you shouldn’t have to use a custom report for it.

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Good point. You’d only need the session relevance if you wanted to augment an existing custom report or create a new one.

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