Web Report Error

Hi Team,

What is the meaning of this error “Unable to parse JSON response for generatereporturl request: Windows Error 0x57: The parameter is incorrect”

Please help.

Thank you

Best Regards,

Seeing this also. Seems to be when messing with the sort options of reports; changing sort column, direction, etc. We had an issue where after we started getting this error many of our scheduled email reports stopped going. Had to bounce webreports.

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Follwoing up, only since 9.5.13… Was there a known issue on this?

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In my case, the one showing this error is a Custom Copy Report, while the original copy isn’t showing it.

I think you are right when messing with the filters are the responsible for this.

Pogi, still getting this randomly in 9.5.14 did you ever resolve with HCL?