I am looking at Vulnerabilities to Windows Systems , for example Bluetooth Vulnerability. According to BigFix we have 1300 computers that are vulnerable to this attack. If I drill down to “Click here to view more information from nvd.nist.org (by CVE ID) on this vulnerability.”
Perhaps the systems don’t have a service pack or some patch prerequisite so they don’t show up in the patches for windows site because they can’t be applied, but they will show up in the vulnerabilities site if they have older versions… Which SP are these systems on?
All Are Service Pack 2 … this is hard to explain through email … can someone call us ? or can we talk with someone in support that can understand this issue ? Thanks
, Bigfix vulnerabilities to windows shows a boat load of computers that need to be fixed . We then drill down to view more information from nvd.nist.org (by CVE ID) on this vulnerability and it points to a MS## patch … We then go to Bigfix patches for windows and none of the patches are applicable.