Virus Information

(imported topic written by csc39991)

I can confirm the virus name exterminated by “BigFixAntiVirus - Scan Statistics” of analysis.

I’d like to even other Antimalware venders want to confirm the virus name to me.

Is there a way to get virus information?

Thanks and Regards,

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi csc399,

Did you mean that you wanted to get the names of specific viruses from other vendors?


(imported comment written by csc39991)

Hi Ben,

Yes. For instance, I want information on the virus name of the following vender.




(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi csc399,

Sorry, our Computer Associates BigFix AV integration doesn’t provide that information, but if there is a virus you are interested in, a quick google search usually turns up the results you want.

Note that we have a new strong partnership with Trend Micro and our fully integrated product is due out soon.
