The documentation for the Utility command is vague, so I’m not positive I’m using it correctly. I made a test script which looks like this (actual names removed to protect the innocent).
Have you looked in the client logs to see what error you’re getting? I know this shouldn’t matter, but what if you remove the double from around the filename on the utility command?
It looks like you’re doing everything right. Just for reference, here’s an example I have that works
I initially did it without quotes, added them while testing.
My actions from March 11 didn’t put anything in the client log, which seems strange.
I did 2 new actions today using a different file.exe. Got these results in the log
for this command - utility “__download\file.exe”
Command failed (Unable to mark download as utility.) utility "__download\file.exe
for this command - utility __download\file.exe
Command failed (Unable to mark download as utility.) utility __download\file.exe (fixlet 123456)
Which suggests that it got just a little farther before failing when I removed the quotes.
Is there a setting somewhere that would prevent a console op from designating a utility? If so, how would I find out whether I’m prevented? (Other than asking the master op, which would be a waste of time.)
The strange reasons are related to case sensitivity on unix/linux for folders, but not for Windows… Or it would be fair also to say that it is just a bug we haven’t gotten around to fixing yet…