Using the Move command in a fixlet

(imported topic written by TJessee)

Good afternoon.

I am writing a fixlet for my Infosec folks and I am trying to run more of it using Relevance and the appendfile command. This script is as follows




********** Netstat **********


{concatenation “%0d%0a” of (it as string) of ((if udp of it then “UDP” else “TCP”),local address of it as string | “No Local”, local port of it as string | “No Local Port”, remote address of it as string | “No Remote”, remote port of it as string | “No Remote Port”,(if (exists tcp state of it) then (tcp state of it as string) else (“No State”)) ) of sockets of network}

********** Scheduled Tasks **********


{concatenation “%0d%0a” of (it as string) of (names of it, enabled of it, path of it, next run time of it as string|“no run time”, (if ready state of it then “ready” else if queued state of it then “queued” else “Unknown State”)) of scheduled tasks}

********** Tasks List **********


{concatenation “%0d%0a” of (it as string) of (names of it, pids of it, session ids of it) of processes}

copy __appendfile
{computer name}

{computer name}
-troubleshoot.txt “C:”

It runs everything fine up to the Move. When it trys to do the move it errors our with the following statement

Command succeeded copy __appendfile MJKGGBG-troubleshoot.txt (action:11760)
At 14:11:59 -0400 -
Retry error, attempt 8 failed for MoveFile (C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\CustomSite_InfoSec\MJKGGBG-troubleshoot.txt, C:)
At 14:11:59 -0400 - actionsite (
Command failed (Move of ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\CustomSite_InfoSec\MJKGGBG-troubleshoot.txt’ to ‘C:’ failed (0)) move MJKGGBG-troubleshoot.txt “C:” (action:11760)

I need to be able to move the file from the location it is at to another location so I can grab it and move it to a location the InfoSec folks have access too.

I have created this in a batch file and it works perfect

delete "c:%computername%-troubleshoot.txt"
delete __createfile
createfile until

   echo ******task list****** >> c:\%computername%-troubleshoot.txt
   tasklist >> c:\%computername%-troubleshoot.txt
   echo ******sch list****** >> c:\%computername%-troubleshoot.txt
   schtasks >> c:\%computername%-troubleshoot.txt
copy __createfile run.bat waithidden run.bat

Any help is greatly appreciated. I have tried every combination fo the move to make this work and I am now stuck. Thanks.


(imported comment written by Tim.Rice)

Try specifying the destination file name for the Move.

(imported comment written by NivS)

You can do it in one step, there’s no need to use copy to rename and then move.

move __appendfile “C:
{computer name}

(imported comment written by TJessee)

That worked perfectly, thank you very much for the knowledge