Is there a way to use wild cards within session relevance to find something like *-D in a computer name. If not wild card is there a way to search a computer name for both the - and the D?
Is there a way to use wild cards within session relevance to find something like *-D in a computer name. If not wild card is there a way to search a computer name for both the - and the D?
hostname as lowercase as string ends with "-d"
Thank you for that, it works in the fixlet debugger, but not in session relevance.
hostname as lowercase as string contains “- d” of bes computers returns Error: The operator “hostname” is not defined.
I have also tried computer name as lowercase as string contains “d” of bes computers and it returns Error: The operator “computername” is not defined. Same happens if I try computer name.
Ahh, ok “hostname” is a client property, not available (directly) in session relevance. For a Session Relevance query, you’d probably need something on the order of
(name of it, id of it) of bes computers whose (name of it as string contains “-d”)
That worked perfectly. Thank you very much for the assist
Same line of thought, but different location. Needed to know if the name contains a d in the 3rd character from the right ie: BFRLY-PAPD01
I’m not at a computer now, but try
Names of bes computers whose (last 3 of name of it as lowercase starts with "d")
Perfect. Thanks a million. As always, the forum and the folks from HCL come through!!!