Using same AirgapResponse to several BES Servers

I am managing four ILMT servers, each one in an isolated network with no Internet access.
So I am frequently running the AirgapTool (non-extraction) to update these RedHat servers.
For the dowload cache it is obvious that I only have to download it once and use it on all servers.
But what about the AirgapResponse file?
Can I use it for all servers, or are there any license number related data or similar inside the response?
I have noticed that if I request the AirgapResponse several time for the same serial number, the files resulting is not identical in size!


If I understand your question correctly, the “Working with multiple BigFix servers” section at answers your question.

Thanks - that was the information I wanted!
Since all of the servers have the same licenses, BES Platform and ILMT, I only have to do the gather step once!

Another tip for you who are using the non-extracting mode:
You can use sqlite3 to examine the content of Airgap.db and AirgapCache.db.
E.g. this command to see the versions of the external sites:

sqlite3 Airgap.db "select siteid,sitename,version from sites"
