Using DSA for Migration


We have a client who would like to migrate their Bigfix platform off of no longer supported software (EOL).
They want to have as little downtime as possible so my thought was:

-Setup DSA, have DSA running long enough for top relays to know of it’s existence as well as db replication time.
-Force failover to Secondary Server
-Removal of First server config.

Is this at all a good idea? Has anyone else gone this route? Please let me know if this is a horrible idea, thank you.

I was advised by HCL that this is not a supported migration path.

Instead they recommended following the documented approach shown here:

This assumes that your client can maintain the IP address or DNS name found in the current masthead. You can bring up the new machine in an isolated network until you are ready to do the cutover. If using a DNS name, simply use the hosts file on the new machine to allow the new BigFix server to see itself, and then update DNS when you’re ready to cutover.

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Hi @itsmpro92,

I was also told the same today by HCL support, what is interesting is how the masthead does not change when using DSA, it seems the masthead is a blessing and a curse for it’s simplicity.
Thank you for the link.

Agreed - the masthead is the key to entire BigFix solution.

One thing to mention here is that the ‘Last fallback Relay’ configuration ( can help a lot in cases where the DNS name of the Root Server can’t be maintained in a migration scenario.

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Hi @Aram, thank you for the link, much appreciated