There is not really a read only option in the console. You can limit users to the fixlets, tasks and analysis they can see by only allowing them access to certian sites. There are a couple of problems with this, one is that if your user doesn’t have access to site they will also not see the results of any of the analysis in that site. Another problem being that all users must have access to the BESSupport site, you would need to globaly hide any fixlets/tasks that you do not want them to have access to.
I would suggest looking into “4 eyes approval”. This will allow you to create operators that are not able to take any actions unless an “approver” stops over and enters there password. This way the operator to could access any of the sites, but would not be able to take action without the appover.
There is not really a read only option in the console. You can limit users to the fixlets, tasks and analysis they can see by only allowing them access to certian sites. There are a couple of problems with this, one is that if your user doesn’t have access to site they will also not see the results of any of the analysis in that site. Another problem being that all users must have access to the BESSupport site, you would need to globaly hide any fixlets/tasks that you do not want them to have access to.
I would suggest looking into “4 eyes approval”. This will allow you to create operators that are not able to take any actions unless an “approver” stops over and enters there password. This way the operator to could access any of the sites, but would not be able to take action without the appover.
Web Reports
4 eyes approval
are the only options for this at the moment. The 4 eyes approval option is the only one that will work through the console if web reports is insufficient.
I have never used
4 eyes approval
, but I suspect if no one is set in the
"approvers" role
, then it would make the account effectively read only.