Not for me, it returns HubDevice
Q: names of nodes of usb plane of iokit registry
A: HubDevice
T: 1290
This is the good kind of error:
Q: nodes of nodes of usb plane of iokit registry
E: The operator "string" is not defined.
The names of them:
Q: names of nodes of nodes of usb plane of iokit registry
A: FaceTime HD Camera (Display)
A: Apple Thunderbolt Display
A: Display Audio
T: 152
Q: unique values of keys of dictionaries of nodes of nodes of usb plane of iokit registry
A: Bus Power Available
A: Device Speed
A: DisplayRouting
A: ExtendedData
A: IOAudioDeviceLocalizedBundle
A: IOCFPlugInTypes
A: IOGeneralInterest
A: IOUserClientClass
A: Low Power Displayed
A: PortNum
A: Requested Power
A: USB Address
A: USB Product Name
A: USB Serial Number
A: USB Vendor Name
A: bDeviceClass
A: bDeviceProtocol
A: bDeviceSubClass
A: bMaxPacketSize0
A: bNumConfigurations
A: bcdDevice
A: bcdUSB
A: iManufacturer
A: iProduct
A: iSerialNumber
A: idProduct
A: idVendor
A: kSuspendPort
A: locationID
A: non-removable
A: sessionID
T: 573
FYI: @hansen_m @rustymyers @alexk