We’re currently on 8.2.1409, actively planning the 9.2 upgrade. Is it best to do a manual upgrade directly to 9.2? Or incrementally for each of 9.0, 9.1 and 9.2 using the fixlets?
We’re currently on 8.2.1409, actively planning the 9.2 upgrade. Is it best to do a manual upgrade directly to 9.2? Or incrementally for each of 9.0, 9.1 and 9.2 using the fixlets?
A manual upgrade directly to v9.2 should be fine, though we naturally recommend testing as well as backups of both the database and the application files be taken prior to any upgrade.
Stay tuned for more details around upgrade best practices to be provided shortly!
If you have a remote database configuration, you’ll have to manually upgrade using the installation binaries and cannot use the fixlets.
Keep in mind that your 8.2 install needs to be running on a 64 bit OS as that is the only bit level that will be supported for relays and servers going forward.
You actually can’t upgrade 9.0 or earlier to 9.1 or later with the Fixlet as a resign of a lot of the DB objects occurs in that upgrade and the keys are needed.
As Aram stated a manual upgrade should be able to handle from that version and backups are suggested (including the registration file).
And as vincent stated, 9.2 does require a 2008+ 64 bit class machine so make sure you have that (including for your consoles)
Relays actually are still supported on 32 bit OS’s. Only the Server/WebReports/Consoles have the 64 bit 2008+ requirements