Hi Steve …
The BigFix server was rebooted yet we still didn’t see the relevant BigFix fixlet to upgrade with a remote database. ILMT is not (and will not be) installed on the same system as BigFix. So I chose to run the BigFix server installer and skip the fixlet use altogether.
The installer ran fine until the very end where the upgrade seemed to expect the use of the “sa” userid for SQL Server Authentication. We originally chose to set up a separate id with the same access as “sa” but the upgrade process didn’t seem to pick this up. As a result, BigFix was installed but none of its services would start.
We ran the installer again, which prompted us to remove BigFix, which we did. We ran the installer a third time and then saw the same prompts as we did when we installed We were able to re-establish the use of the SQL Server id created for database connectivity, the installation completed successfully, and all services were up and running according to the diagnostic tool. We then upgraded the console and client on this same computer successfully.
A little but round-about but the end result is what we wanted - BigFix at
Next time, I’ll simply go to the patch6 page, download the code and the installation generator and start a fresh BigFix install with the patch 6 installation generator. I probably should have done that from the get-go but wasn’t sure if the code on the patch6 page was the full product installer or just upgrade code.