Undelete_action procedure db2

Hi all,

Can anyone help me how to restore deleted action in DB2. This procedure works for me in SQL but does not work in DB2.
This query works ok and i can find the action id which i want to restore

select A.name as “Action Name”, A.ID, A.CreationTime, “Action ID”, A.Actionid from dbo.ACTION_DEFS A, dbo.ACTION_FLAGS F where A.ID = F.ActionID AND F.IsDeleted=1

But when i run execute undelete_action XXXX nothing happen.

Thanks for any help

Trying to restore a delete action for example with actionID = 36 on DB2 can use something like:

db2 connect to bfent
db2 “call dbo.undelete_action( 36 )”


Thanks it works!