Two Windows clients not checking in over VPN

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I was hoping someone has experienced this and could help or at least point me in the right direction. I have two laptops that will not check in when they are working remote via VPN. We have uninstalled the BES Client and re-installed it many times. There are no firewalls involved and we have hundreds of users that work fine in this configuration. Any ideas what I should be looking for? Both users work exclusively remote. One comes into the office about once a month and the other about once a year. When on the local LAN or WLAN their client connects perfectly fine. The monthly worked was just in on Friday and I applied a ton of patches. We also tried using other VPN accounts as well as uninstalling/re-installing the VPN software.



System Specs:

Windows 7 64bit

Cisco Anyconnect VPN

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

No suggestions at all on what to try?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Try disabling IPv6 support on the network interface. We had this issue show up on our TEM console operators running Win 7 64-bit. The TEM client would lose its ability to resolve the DNS name of the relays when IPv6 was enabled and connected to the VPN with AnyConnect. The TEM client log will show winsock error -6.

  • Aaron

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


Thank you for the reply. I will give that a try.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Unrestricted mode

Configuring listener without wake-on-lan


SetupListener success: IPV4/6

At 05:26:55 -0500 -

Beginning Relay Select

At 05:26:57 -0500 -

RegisterOnce: Attempting to register with

RegisterOnce: GetURL failed - General transport failure. - winsock error -6 - registration url -

Is the error. IPv6 is disabled according to the user on all interfaces. Does the SetupListener success: IPV4/6 line mean its enabled?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Found the problem for one user. (This is not the issue with the other four however).

One user had statically set an incorrect IP address into the Cisco Anyconnect interface under IPv4. After changing this to dynamic, everything started instantly working. I have no idea how his VPN was even working!

Still looking into the others. Hopefully we can find something similar going on.