Two Different Sha1 Values for Same File

I am working with a fixlet for updating Chrome. When I download ChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi version 67.0.3396.87 for the Google site, it has a sha1 of 9f1705e439012db2b9ea6e554465d80294130a7a, but when I load it into a package in the Software Distribution Dashboard, the sha1 becomes 9cd37cf370f02ba87e5e790e576b7ed11614e1dd. The size of the file is the same. I thought the sha1 of the file was supposed to uniquely represent a file. Is it possible to have different sha1 values for the same file?

No, it’s not possible for the same file to have two different sha1 values.

Can you post some detail on how you are obtaining the file, and how you are uploading it into the SWD dashboard?

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The sha1 in the file location is: sha1:9f1705e439012db2b9ea6e554465d80294130a7a, and then after I add it to the SDD, it becomes: sha1=9cd37cf370f02ba87e5e790e576b7ed11614e1dd.

Are you aware of any security software running against the SSD in question that might be encrypting or otherwise tagging the files when copied on to it? Can you replicate this condition with other files copied to this SSD and seeing their SHA1 being modified?

I removed every security program we have on my local client. I also checked the security console, and did not find anything. I checked another package and I do not see the same problem. It seems like there is something unique with Chrome.

I haven’t much used the SWD dashboard. Does it compress/archive the file before uploading it?