Trouble With Relevance Clause for Microsoft Team Installation


I made a task to install MS Teams, but I am trying to add a second relevance clause that will weed out machines that already have it installed. Normally I would just point it to a file that the program users like:
exists file "C:\Program Files\HipChat\Hipchat.exe"
but for MS Teams I’m having trouble finding where it installs it and in my test it seemed to install it in my local profile.

Does anyone have any experience with creating a relevance clause for teams?

Thanks in advance,


It appears, at least on my computer, to be installed under my User Profile.


To check if ANY user on the computer has it installed …

Exists Keys whose (exists key "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Teams" of it) of key "HKEY_USERS" of Registry

I’m currently having trouble with the Fixlet Debugger so I can’t give you the “Current User” version of the relevance. I’ll get it up here as soon as I can.

Thanks Tim I was looking for a registry path didn’t think to look in Uninstall though.