Transcoding errors - follow up on Bigfix User group meeting

One for Alan, I believe…

We’re still seeing transcoding errors here and there… Only fix we’ve found so far is a replacement of upgrade of the client. This is 9.2.6 (i guess we should upgrade soon).
Did you find anything in the code about this ? All targets are the same image, no differences at all, we just get a smattering of transcoding errors in every big deployment… Thanks !

Yes I tried to find you before the end but wasn’t able to.

The Transcoding error you have is when the action is attempted to be transcoded from the deployment encoding to UTF8 internally (even in 9.2) so it is possible that the endpoint is confused as to what the deployment encoding is. There is a setting that can pass this information to a 9.2 client but a 9.5 server to a 9.5 or even a 9.2 client can pass this information via the masthead now.

I’m not sure what is occurring specifically in the scenario if everything is working correctly, but if any high bit characters are involved it could be the issue, but also the endpoint should not have an issue after this event, just the specific action.