To block a specific software running on a Windows system

(imported topic written by Corda)

Hi to all, can anyone help me to create a Fixlet that blocks a specific software running on a Windows system?

Any suggestions

Thanks, Marco.

(imported comment written by liuhoting)

My first shot at this would basically be to look for:

Q: exists process whose (name of it contains “dwm.exe”)

and then maybe run taskkill on that particular application that’s running on your system?

(imported comment written by Rob M.)

Was looking for the same solution. Everything lead to adding registry entries. Incorporating
Method 2
in this article:

I’ve yet to write the fixlet and test due to more urgent matters, but if it helps, let us know.

(imported comment written by Corda)

ok thanks, the second method could be a solution… I’ll also try to write the fixlet, but i’ll wait willingly suggestions.



(imported comment written by Corda)

Hello, I’m trying to use the following command to create a registry key value. The console views “action is completed” but the action script is not working. The keys have not been created. Why?

regset “[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]” “DisallowRun”=dword:1

regset “[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\DisallowRun]” “firefox”=“firefox.exe”

(imported comment written by Rob M.)

This is because the regset is running as SYSTEM, not the current logged on user. There is a system location for the same command: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\

Explorer] which should theoretically provide the results you’re seeking. Hope it works. I need to implement a similar action for Google Chrome.

(imported comment written by Corda)

Yes, with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\ the agent BigFix creates the two keys, but the processes are not blocked. At the moment, I don’t know how to do.

(imported comment written by Rob M.)

If you’ve rebooted and it still doesn’t work, then it’s back to the drawing board for me as well.

(imported comment written by Corda)

I solved retrieving the current user key to access the system registry

parameter “currentUser”="{name of key whose (((it = name of current user as lowercase OR it starts with name of current user as lowercase & “@”) of (it as string as lowercase) of (if (name of operating system = “Win7” OR name of operating system = “WinVista” OR name of operating system = “Winxp” OR name of operating system = “Win2003”) AND (exists value “USERNAME” of key “Volatile Environment” of it) then value “USERNAME” of key “Volatile Environment” of it else value “Logon User Name” of key “Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer” of it))) of key “HKEY_USERS” of registry}"

regset “[HKEY_USERS{parameter “currentUser”}\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer]” “DisallowRun”=dword:1

regset “[HKEY_USERS{parameter “currentUser” \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\DisallowRun]” “firefox”=“firefox.exe”