TEM Console computers/actions count disappearing

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hello everybody,

I was wondering if anybody ever heard/seen of the following issue:

From time to time the computers list and actions list zero out at the TEM Console.

Meaning, from 11 computers with a list of computers names and properties it goes to

zero and the content unavailable message is displayed.

This is on the latest version and with the latest patch level, 8.2.1175

Thank you.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I’ve not seen that behavior before.

Might it be a sporadic communication problem between your console and the server? In v8.2, I believe the Console now communicates with the server on TCP 52312 rather than via SQL connections.

(imported comment written by JiriS)


I have the same problem after upgrade to 8.2.1175.

But this problem is only on ‘specific’ operator.

When I started console, after about 4 minutes all computers (and some actions, analysis, fixlets)

are disappear. After another 5 minutes is everything back (or when console is restarted).

I’m using LDAP users and when this operator is removed from TEM and again defined

using LDAP login to TEM console (operator is ‘redefined’) the problem is gone.

But ‘unknown circumstances’ make this problem on antoher operator account.


(imported comment written by JiriS)


I found, that is problem of role of specified user.

Time to time assigned role disappear and after some time

or another login into console is role back.

Jiri Sury